March 30, 2011 1 min read

I bought a metal bender a few weeks ago for $90 (I just noticed it's actually on sale right now for $79, son of a bitch I want my $11) to hopefully make my projects a little easier. I've always just used a wheel clamped to my bench for all of the steel bending I do, which works, but this thing was only $90 and I figured I could return it if I couldn't figure it out. I had to pretty much guess on assembling it because the instructions made no sense at all but the bender is pretty cool.

A friend of mine has been wanting to make a coffee table with hairpin legs and learn how to weld so we tried out the bender on those. It took about 20 minutes to make four hairpin legs and the bends were easy and came out perfect. The cool thing is, you can swap out the dies to get different radius bends. The only problem is, it doesn't work with hollow tubing because it kinks it so I still have to make lamps the old-fashioned way but everything else should be alot easier now.

I know I'm welding toward myself here but I was at a weird angle. I usually leave the legs raw and just put clear on them but this time I painted them semi-gloss black. UPDATE: Here is the bench we made for the legs. Hey guys I finally made an etsy listing where you can order hairpin legs from me. If you don't see the size you're looking for, email me. Thanks

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