May 13, 2013 2 min read

I realize it's been quite a while since I've done a blog post but I have a good reason. At least I think it's a good reason, I've been so busy with orders and listing new things on my online store. I've had some things to post about, and I still will post about them. But, I honestly just have not had the time to get on here a write about them. I thought I'd share some things I've been working on that have or haven't made their way to the shop yet to break up this hiatus. IMG_0699 IMG_0702 IMG_0666 I've been doing alot more things with the molded plywood concept I first got into on my chairs. One of them are these molded plywood wall-mount shelves that I've attached a lamp or two to. IMG_0553 I've also taken that mint green powder-coat that I first introduced with the swing lamps and used it on some other designs. It's such a good pairing with natural oak. IMG_0737 IMG_0728 These wall mount guitar hangers will be in the shop soon! In Oak and Walnut to start. IMG_0723 I made an all-brass version of the Otis light with the swiveling handle. Even the wall bracket is a solid piece of brass that I drilled and bent into shape. Brass is really fun to work with and I've got some ideas for other stuff so you'll probably being see more of it from me. IMG_0707 IMG_0556 IMG_0742 IMG_0521 IMG_0677 The string lights are finally available fro sale in the shop, after a lengthy status of "coming soon". It took me so long because I was trying to work out a few details in order to produce them in a time frame that was feasible. If you've been looking at them and checking in, thanks for waiting! Wood veneer and colored ones are next!

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