July 15, 2011 1 min read

I put some more lamps on my etsy store today. I made 10 of the "short and suede" black ones and also made 5 semi-gloss white lamps at the same size. I used Iroko wood for the white handles (because I happened to have a chunk of it laying around) but it's really cool stuff. It's also known as African teak. Even though it's not technically related to teak, it's very similar grain and texture. I dropped the lamps $10 from the longer ones, but the shipping dropped about $75 due to no longer requiring over-sized shipping. If you inquired about one in an email, I did my best to give you a heads up. Thanks everyone for your support and love for these lamps, I really enjoy how excited people get about them. If anyone wanted any of the 68" ones, I will be making some more of those shortly but I'm not sure how many or how soon. I'm still trying to figure out a way to ship these things over-seas, but so far fed-ex and UPS are way too expensive. Anybody know a good way to ship internationally? Thanks!


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