September 23, 2014 2 min read

As usual, we've been pretty busy filling orders and working day and night in the shop to keep up (and loving it) but I wanted to share a little bit of the new products we've been working on and some projects we were included in.


We've got these new wall hooks that were featured on One King's Lane a few weeks ago that will be available in the shop soon. It's the same wood block mount that we use on our brass swing lamps with a double-ended hook. I did a few of the powder-coat colors as well as a solid brass option. You can individually swivel the top and bottom hook let or right to hang things next to each other.



We recently added our molded plywood desk organizers to the shop that happened to be featured in Dwell Magazine. Needless to say, thanks to you guys we have had to make quite a few of them! They 've also gotten some of the nicest compliments and feedback from customers, something we always appreciate!!


Playing Jenga out of molded ply desk organizer trays over here #plywoodtower #latenightseverynight

A photo posted by Logan Hendrickson (@one_forty_three) on


We recently got to be part of a home project of Catt Sadler's amazing space that was featured on Domaine. The space was designed by Jake Harrison and photographed by Bethany Nauert, two really talented awesome people that I was really proud to be included with. Two of our Wallace lamps were used in the bedroom.

 Thanks again everyone for the constant support and business. Can't tell you all enough how lucky we feel to have such great customers and friends!


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