November 09, 2012 1 min read

I've been pretty busy lately with Etsy sales, but I have managed to fit in time to make a few new pieces. I recently got some green and grey felt and decided to experiment with colors on a few molded plywood side chairs. The green one is on white oak with a walnut seat. I've been testing colors with vinyl for potential leather options. I used some black vinyl on walnut and came up with a lounger style chair. It's a pretty useful reading chair for laying back and relaxing. The frame is solid rod painted matte black. I also started making a few new variations of the Otis lights with swiveling heads; along with a pendant light using same wood veneered sockets. Some of my new stuff is in the etsy shop, and some are still in the prototype stage. They should all be making their way to the shop though, hopefully sooner than later.

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