August 03, 2011 1 min read

I've got quite a bit of scrap metal, left over from other projects, accumulating under my workbench and it's become sort of a tripping hazzard. After work today, I decided to try and put some of it to use by experimenting with a little desk lamp. My brother and I sort of designed it as we went, getting ideas and trying them out until we came up with something that is functional and kind of different looking.


I used a piece of curved perforated steel for the shade, and bits of rod and tubing for the body and legs. A welded solid steel ball weighs down the lamp from tipping over.

I've had some other ideas for more "finished" desk lamps but I just haven't gotten around to trying them out yet. This was more of a spontaneous experiment after work, which was actually alot of fun. I used a phenolic lamp socket and twisted cloth covered cord with a toggle switch. The perforated shade has a pretty cool effect on the light glowing behind it.

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